Page list override

Trying to change the layout of the Page list block.
I've tried templates and if I put them in:


The site breaks. Now I went in to the blick view.php located in:


I changed some things, and nothing. I even deleted the whole content of the page-list directory and the page-list still was viewable on the page. I cleared the cache multiple times and still. There it is.

The block is on this page:

I was going to activate the thumbnail option when this happened. Still got no thumbnail visibel. Added the "thumbnail" - attribute and added an image on the page below the page containing the page-list, but nothing.

Something is wrong but I can't figure out what it is. Where is it getting the code to display the list even if I delete the whole block-directory for page_list in concrete/blocks ??

Grateful for any suggestions :)

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
To create a custom template you have to put it into


As for the page list still displaying when you don't have anything in concrete/blocks/page_list, what do you have in application/blocks/page_list? Because if you have the controller and view in there it will still display.

For development you should turn all your caches off (and sometimes you will still have to hit the clear cache).
MrLindau replied on at Permalink Reply
Templates-directory I haven't tried, thanks!

The application/blocks/page_list is empty right now.

Caches are turned of, and has been from the start.
siton replied on at Permalink Reply
Mabye you dont work on the right site folder (local vs remote or in wrong site folder)

Test: Try another block (add "echo 'hello world'; inside view.php) and see if you see the change in your site (if not this not a problem specific to "pagelist" block).

If you want to create custom template you need to duplicate the view.php.

You dont have any reason to do so but if you delete the core "pagelist" folder you get an error
"Class '\Concrete\Block\PageList\Controller' not found"
You can remove the block her: dashboard->blocks->types
MrLindau replied on at Permalink Reply
I solved part of the problem. It was redirected to an update C5.7.5.6 that I hade updated automatically from the dashboard, and the core files where located in the update folder... ... that's why nothing worked...