"Please complete all required fields." form block type

The block type keeps popping up "Please complete all required fields.". I'm on a brand new concrete5 install.... I can not add a single question to my form. I only have the button rendered, as nothing is working. Someone can tell me what is going on?

I've searched in the mini_survey.php file on line 28 which says:

if( strlen($values['question'])==0 || strlen($values['inputType'])==0 || $values['inputType']=='null' ){

Obviously it's not getting a question/values, but I have no clue to why... HELP

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
OK, figured it out after disabling part by part. There's a modal somewhere in my theme, that has a <form>. It opens and closes, just as you expect. It does have a "question" field though with "question" as ID. That seems to be causing issues with the form block.