Plus Tray & Dialog Boxes - What scrolls & what doesn't

File under UX annoyances.

Using the tray for adding blocks etc often needs to scroll down to get to the bottom. Same with the dialog boxes for blocks themselves.

The issue that I'm having is that when I flick my finger to scroll down on the Plus Tray, the page scrolls after I've hit the end, knocking me out of position for adding a block.

I then have to carefully scroll the page back into position in order to drag a block over. Same thing happens if I have to scroll the Plus Tray upwards.

The result is I'm spending a lot more time just trying to get a block on a page. Add this up over the course of building a website and it becomes frustrating to use as a tool.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I find that extremely annoying as well. I'd like to have that fixed sooner rather than later, definitely.
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Cheers, Andrew. Is it helpful reporting UX annoyances to you guys for 5.7?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I think it's very helpful. It's one thing for us to make decisions in a vacuum, but now that people are actually using 5.7 to build and maintain sites we definitely want to hear about the pain points.
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Fair enough! I should start a dedicated thread.