Possible content from deleted block still loading?? Just a guess. I'm running out of ideas.

I have a strange issue.
So, I installed a Google Custom Search box that drops down beneath the top horizontal menu when you click on the magnifying glass icon. Everything works great while in edit mode. This site is currently only available to members while in development. So, if I login in Demo mode, for reviewing only, no edit privileges, the search box shows up vertically stretched. I have found the css code responsible for this errant layout. It is found starting on line 718 in this file: {https://cse.google.com/cse/style/look/mobile/v2/default.css... ) which is the mobile version of css linked to the embedded search script code given to you when you setup your Google Custom Search box. This errant code includes the following setting: ( height: 200px !important ), along with a couple other settings that are accomplices. (I don't know why these are in there, but that's beside the point. ) But here's the goofy thing, Developer tools shows this default.css file is linked and loaded ONLY while NOT in Edit mode. It is not there WHILE in Edit mode. How the Funyuns does it happen that, even if I delete the Google search code from my site does the Google Custom Search, default.css file, gets loaded, and ONLY when not in Edit mode. It's driving me to the Funny Farm, ( granted that may be a short trip, getting shorter ). Anyway, does anybody have a CLUE for me?

(This is on ver, using the C5box_Framework theme.)

Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Not solved, but patched sufficiently.

I'm still confused why the default.css file is loading, but I finally found a way to override it by placing a Style tag block enclosing the overriding statements immediately following the javascript for the Google Custom Search. I hate patches, but at least it is working.

If anyone has an idea for me concerning the default.css file loading, please let me know. I'd like to eliminate the source rather than patching it.

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey did you install this via a concrete5 package?
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
No. Google Custom Search provides the code which I then dropped into an HTML block. Then I had to do a little custom coding to add the search icon to the end of the menu and have it reveal the search box in a drop-down fashion. This is one of the things I love about Concrete5 – lots of available pre-built options along with a very flexible and easy to tweak architecture so you can make it your own.

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