Prevent Error If Fileset is Deleted

I have been stuck on this one for a long time. I am building a block that works with file sets. If the file set is deleted, I get a "Call to a member function getFileSetID() on a non-object" error. See attached.

What do I need to prevent an error from being thrown if there are no filesets, or the chosen fileset was deleted?

1 Attachment

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi PineCreativeLabs,

Often adding a check to see if something is an object first will address this.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not clear on this. What is supposed to be checked if it is an object?

I tried using this on $fs and $fsID, but the error is unchanged.

If it helps, I am only seeing the error when signed in.
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd be guessing $fs. You could probably just see if it's null.

If worst comes to worst, could you just catch the exception?
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

Please include the code that is throwing errors.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is what I have in the block controller for the view function:
public function view(){
      $sets = FileSet::getMySets();
         $fs = FileSet::getByID($fsID);
         $bID = $this->bID;
         $db = Database::connection();
         $existingThumbs = $db->fetchAll('SELECT * from btEzModalGallery WHERE bID = ? ORDER BY sort', array($bID)); //gives us all the files we've already saved/sorted
         $existingThumbIDs = array();
         foreach($existingThumbs as $thumb){
            $existingThumbIDs[] = $thumb['fID'];
         $fileList = new FileList();

Here is what I have for the view:
<?php if (empty($items)){ ?><p><?php echo t('Empty file set')?></p><?php } ?>
<?php if (empty($sets)){ ?><p><?php t('No filesets')?></p><?php } else {
   foreach($items as $item){            
      $fileObj = File::getByID($item['fID']);
      $ih = Core::make("helper/image");
      $thumb = $ih->getThumbnail($fileObj,$thumbsize,$thumbsize,true);
      if(is_object($fileObj)){ ?>
         <a href="<?php echo $fileObj->getURL(); ?>" rel="gallery-<?php echo $bID ?>" class="modaal-<?php echo $bID ?>"><img src="<?php echo $thumb->src?>" /></a>
   <?php } }  ?>