Problems with SSL enabled site (https)

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We've built our first site with 5.7, and then applied a SSL certificate, changing to to https://... fromhttp://.....

To make this work the .htaccess has;
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

which goes after the RewriteBase / and before the pretty URL rewrites.

That's the only change we've made - I know with 5.6 there was a BASE_URL to change also but there doesn't seem any info. on whether or where to change this.

The problems come with;
1. attaching (or re-attaching) the site to the marketplace - the "Connect to the Community" page is blank other than the title (url it's going to is index.php/dashboard/extend/connect/register_step1). There's also a problem with the links from the "I forgot" link on the login block (which go to /login/forgot) which come up with "An unexpected error occurred. Invalid Authentication Type Handle".

Has anyone successfully migrated to a SSL secured site, and did you need/find a BASE_URL change? Did you manage to link to the marketplace after the change? Have we missed something somewhere?


daenu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there
Did you find any solution for this?
seniorb replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks - yes, we did. We followed the directions here;

posted by iLP. Here they are repreated;

1. Delete the corresponding Project from my concrete5.
2. View Source code of blank community connect window displayed at Add Functionality link on my site.
3. Search resulting page source for:

4. Click the link contained therein. It looks something like this (i've edited this example for demonstration purposes):
<iframe class="ccm-marketplace-frame-connect" id="ccm-marketplace-frame-14092XXXXXX" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="300" src=" Site Title"></iframe>

5. The successful connection dialog appears above the blank box on your connect to community page on the dashboard.
6. Return to the Add Functionality page on your dashboard and behold.