Trouble loading a Single Page Controller

I thought I would post a crude & temporary fix I did here in the hope that I can gain insight into a better way to apply it.

I have a single page, whose file I named 'account-pin.php' in my \application\single_pages folder and I successfully added this as a single page through the dashboard to reach it over the desired path /account-pin.

Now I want to add a single page controller for this page so that I can prepare some data in the 'view' function. Therefore, I instinctively created an account-pin.php file due to my pre 5.7 knowledge.

The contents of this controller file were not being loaded and I don't mean that the class was not being loaded - the autoloading was not loading the file at all.

In another project, it appeared the '-' was the problem and I renamed my single pages so they didn't use a '-'. This was ok in that project but not in my current one and is a less than ideal hack anyhow.

So I looked under the covers more and realised that to load the single page controller files, I had to rename that file to AccountPin.php according to the convention and add the following line to /concrete/src/Foundation/ClassLoader.php (around line 222):

$symfonyLoader->addPrefix($namespace . '\\Controller\\SinglePage', 

Yes, I know I shouldn't change this file direct but I also don't feel comfortable in overriding it properly just for this.

Therefore, any tips on how I should manage this properly in 5.7?

Thanks in advance.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, I believe you have stumbled upon a core bug here, I tested every scenario I could think of to make this work and I was also unable to do so. I reported it in the bug tracker here:

This might not be very helpful, but I do know that you can do this using a package and it works properly. If you would like an example of how to create a package that just installs a single page please let me know and I'll be happy to send you one.

The package structure would look like this:
dbaggs replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply Hutman and thanks for raising the bug.

I wasn't aware of the alternate work around by including in a package so thanks for that too.

Let's see what comes back from that bug report.


dbaggs replied on at Permalink Reply
This is really weird but I've rolled out the site I've built to a different environment (also running Ubuntu like in my dev environment) and here adding the file as account-pin.php works and my hackfix doesn't.

Now I'm really lost as to why.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
When you say "adding the file as account-pin.php works" do you mean the single page or the controller for the single page?
dbaggs replied on at Permalink Reply
To answer your question: In the controllers/single_page folder.

It gets weirder - I actually need both a file named account-pin.php and AccountPin.php for it to work.

As my dev environment is a VM, the VM web server had this without me knowing as renaming in my IDE simply left the old file and created a new one.

In the new environment this happened to only get resolved when adding the account-pin.php file.