Unable to add 2nd or 3rd layouts or blocks below a Bootstrap layout

I added bootstrap layout of 2 columns below a title block in page. Good.

I now want to add a new block or layout below the 2 column layout or above and can't drag and drop any new blocks or new layout to the "Main" area I created, it will only allow me to drag and drop into one of the 2 columns in bootstrap layout I created.

Am I the only one finding it very difficult to hover over the editable Areas created if there are layouts added? It just seems like only option is to delete the layout....

Seems so difficult at time to drag and drop blocks in new CMS.

tsdonohue5 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have deleted all blocks in the 2 bootstrap columns in the custom layout and now want to delete the bootstrap layout but can't hover over it and find it? This isn't the first time...if I drag a block, it adds green border of the 2 columns but can't hover over the layout to click delete from menu, can't find it?

Any tips...seems so difficult to find and delete these layouts. Like impossible. What can be wrong...?
tsdonohue5 replied on at Permalink Reply
Well I found a tip...must be a bug?

If you add a layout. Need to save and publish page, then edit page again and then can hover over "Main" button/tab and add a new layout and it works. But won't see this 2nd layout until I save page and edit again and then can add block to this 2nd layout.

Well at least I can get it to work but must be a bug I would think.

Tip: save after new layout, then edit and can add more...and then might need to save again and then edit column's blocks.