Updating 5.7

I just finished my first 5.7 site, starting the next and wanted to try 5.7.4RC. Read this page:http://www.concrete5.org/documentation/developers/5.7/installation/...
But it doesn't work.
- Dashboard > System and Settings > Update Concrete5: does not exist in my dashboard!
- my-site/ccm/system/upgrade: does not exist in my installation!
How can I update my installation to 5.7.4?

edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
Login to your site.
Download the RC fromhttp:////www.concrete5.org/download_file/-/view/78080/... and replace the concrete folder with the downloaded version.
Then browse tohttp://www.yoursite.com/ccm/system/upgrade... which will run the upgrade scripts.
cgrauer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply!

I exactly did this but only got 404. But I found that I had to put "index.php/" before the path!

But now the script tells me that my installation was up to date with - while the script that told this actually is part of the 5.7.4RC bundle!!

So still no update is done :-(
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply
Try forcing it:

cgrauer replied on at Permalink Reply
ok, thanks for this option! Update proceeds but at the end it still says: "Upgrade to complete". Is it or is it not 5.7.4? As I replaced the concrete folder, the code actually IS 5.7.4. But what about the database?
(As I mentioned already 7 years ago (!), c5 still doesn't show the current version number on my dashboard...)
edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
What does your environment information say?

Did you use the link above to download?
cgrauer replied on at Permalink Reply
It says:
# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20150109000000

Yes, I used the link on the get-starter page on the c5 website:

Meanwhile I made an additional clean installation with 5.74RC2 and it works fine. Still there is no update option though...
edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you replace the contents of the concrete folder with the downloaded version? Then run the update script.
cgrauer replied on at Permalink Reply
That's exactly what I did. Like I did about 100 times before with previous versions of c5...
edbeeny replied on at Permalink Reply
What if anything have you got in your updates folder? Replace that concrete folder.
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
Any resolution to this? I am having the same problem. I replaced the entire concrete folder, from both the git source and the downloaded source. The updates folder is empty in both, as can be easily confirmed by looking at the got repo online.

The 'force=1' soltuin just results in
The table with name 'bluekitelabs.multilingualpagerelations' already exists.

I am running in a private browser window with all cache turned off on the server side, FWIW
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

I recommend giving this How-To a look.
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for replying.

I have read the instructions on that page, but maybe I am missing something because they explain how to do exactly what I said I did.

When I said " I replaced the entire concrete folder" I meant I replaced the entire concrete directory of my install with the concrete directory of 5.7.4 download both from git and from the download.

Did I miss something?
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
also, where exactly is the upgrade script as I see that web/updates is empty. Where does the upgrade script live?
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
The upgrade script lives in /web/concrete/controllers/upgrade.php

ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply

Where does C5 look to see what version must be installed?

I see in the concrete/config/concrete.php of the live site is says , as it should because this is the NEW C5 I added manually

return array(
     * Current Version
     * @var string
    'version'           => '5.7.5a1',
    'version_installed' => '5.7.5a1',
    'version_db' => '20150623000000', // the key of the latest database migration
     * Installation status
     * @var bool
    'installed'         => true,  (tried changing to false, just in case, but no diff)

but going to /index.php/ccm/system/upgrade shows
Your site is already up to date! The current version of concrete5 is

Any ideas why the current code it set to 5.7.5a1 but it reporting In there another files it is looking at to get this info?
exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
First off. You shouldn't go from to 5.7.5a1 (that's just asking for trouble jumping to an alpha version). I'd recommend going from to 5.7.4 or maybe

Your current application version can be found in application/config/generated_overrides/concrete.php
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree. I originally tried with the official download. when that did not work I tried the git rep, which is the later version. In either case, the upgrade script is not seeing concrete/config/concrete.php

This is really a problem as I can not think of any other way to upgrade. I though perhaps I could install a virgin 5.7.4 then copy over all the database info record by record... but that I will probably be missing data that 5.7.3 does not have that 5.7.3 needs.

Any ideas How I could upgrade, using any method possible?
byvictoria replied on at Permalink Reply
Same problem, I cant update from