userlist pagination don't change page
i'm using this simple code for list all the user whit pagination but when i click on next the user list is the same.
i've disabled the cache.
any ideas?
i'm using this simple code for list all the user whit pagination but when i click on next the user list is the same.
i've disabled the cache.
<?php $lista = new \Concrete\Core\User\UserList(); //$list->filterByGroup('editor'); // $list = new \Concrete\Core\Page\PageList(); $paginazione = $lista->getPagination(); $paginazione->setMaxPerPage(3); $results = $paginazione->getCurrentPageResults(); foreach($results as $u){ // $u = Page::getCurrentPage(); // echo $u->getCollectionName(); echo $u->getUserName(); echo "<br>"; } //echo $pagination->getTotalResults(); //echo $pagination->getTotalPages();
Viewing 15 lines of 18 lines. View entire code block.
any ideas?