Block Requests

Simple Image Block

I have a client that wants to have a very simple image block on their site like this: but with captions, where the user can simply navigate from one image to another. The standard slideshow gallery block for C5 doesn't allow for…

Google AdSense for content pages

Hi there I wrote a simple block to add Google AdSense to your content. If you have trouble with this block, please let me know. I will try to fix them. You can see a sample on Tested with c5 5.2.1 Kind regards, …

troubleshooting for runnig website

Hi There, Here is the website ( which I developed in Concrete5. Its working fine on my local machine. But I am facing problem, after making it online. Could you please check the link structure and tell me why its happen…

Block submission?

[quote]All we need is for anyone who feels their block/add-on is ready for prime time to go ahead and submit a bit of info to us from the form at[/quote] That's from another thread, but it made more sense to m…

Image Menu

Hi, here's a working Image Menu template for the auto-nav block. Description: To install, just put the archive's files into your root webfolder: './' (not into your ./concrete folder). Afterwards it should be available in the templates secti…

Link List

Just an idea.. A Link List which can fetch the urls from an existing html or xml file (or by upload), like a bookmarks.html file (output from the firefox bookmark manager, when generating a backup file). The Link List then looks for http://www.allFe…

Buying the Ads block $55

Hi Guys, Just wondering, i would like to buy the ADS module you are selling for $55, but i can only pay trough paypal. Is that possible ?

color scheme survey conflict

A survey for colors is really interesting with concrete5 ;) I get started one to find a suitable color scheme for The color diplayed in the result doesn't match to the choosen color before.. A choice for colors similar to the …

Image Gallery February

Hi All, Firstly, this is my first post so I feel I must give credit to everyone involved for such an amazing CMS. I spent a whole afternoon punching the air the other day when I stumbled upon C5. I can't wait to implement it for a client and watch thei…

RSS Generation

Hi, Was wondering if anyone had come up with a feed *from* a C5 site? Not just parsing out a feed from another site, but generate it from its own content. This would be really nice. I figure using the already-present SimplePie to do this would be…

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