Block Requests

e-commerce : Creating a "Category" Block

Hello, I just think it would be great if there was a "category" block inside the e-commerce add-on. The way I imagine it, would be to 1- add to e-commerce the ability to link a photo with any created product sets. 2- Then, the category block cou…

Add image and youtube video gallery

I want to use a gallery block which is with both image and youtube video. Like clicking next from image to youtube..likewise (gallery mixed with videos and images). Are there any kind of addon available in c5 ?

Programming to collect dues and late fees

Does anyone have a payment system block that can be set up to figure daily interest accrued if someone is late on making a payment. It's meant for neighborhood HOA dues. The fee is to be paid once a year, but we want to have it automatically figure out wh…

Ajax call Access Denied.

I have an click event for ajax request My PHP file is in theme directory . Inside I have [code] [/code] and I have also JS [code] $('#link').click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var href = $(this).attr('href'); …

Edge Animate Block

I read the helpful Post that explains how to integrate Adobe Edge animations, but as a non-programmer I would love it if someone would come up with a block for this!

Spreadsheet Block

I am new to concrete5 and have found most of it to be friendly. The last obstacle I had was an editable spreadsheet on my site. I have found dhtmlxSpreadsheet ( and after some work seems to work well.…

Leremarkable changement concerne les femmes Lancel Sacs à main

Leremarkable changement concerne les femmes, Qui ze sont libérées. Dès the début des années 1960 bien avant Mai 68, L'âge du highly regarded romantic relationship continue à baisser strain l'ensemble des jeunes fil. dom 20,6 ans, Il se 'vrrle rrtre passé …

Google Wallet

As people are probably aware. Google Checkout is being retired in November so that means I *have* to use their new digital downloads API. I've got it all working as a standalone web page. Well, it's just a a buy button with a config file, but it goes t…

file block that opens to new tab? - RESOLVED

Is there a way to get the core file block to open up the file in a new tab? There aren't really any options other than choosing what text you want for the link. I'm not yet very good with php but in view.php of the core block I see this... Ca…

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