Batch Editing

It would be great to have a block or a script to perform batch creation and editing of site pages.

A recent project I developed required the creation of at least 40 pages. It would have been awesome to have been able to open one interface, plug in the name and path for each page and have them all generated. Obviously this is more important for creating sites than maintaining them.

Perhaps this could be handled by some kind of sitemap importer ... where you could create an XML sitemap or a CSV table and have it turned into pages for you. There's got to be a solution out there that could make batch editing easier. Individual editing is already great.

kino replied on at Permalink Reply
if you can make packade that is not so difficult.

I've created a 400 page.

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class ThemeGallery2Package extends Package {
   protected $pkgHandle = 'theme_gallery2';
   protected $appVersionRequired = '5.3.2';
   protected $pkgVersion = '1.0';
   public function getPackageDescription() {
      return t("Installs the " . $this->getPackageName());
   public function getPackageName() {
      return t("Theme Gallery2");
   public function install() {
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
I will definitely look at this further the next time I need to build out a site. I never realized that packages were so powerful!

What happens if the user uninstalls the package? Does it remove the pages and all the customization you've applied as well? If so, is there a way to prevent this so that clients don't accidentally uninstall their whole website? :)
nolmscheid replied on at Permalink Reply
I was JUST talking about this to one of my programmers yesterday. In our proposals to the clients, we have the entire proposed site structure all laid out. I was thinking it would be very nice to import an excel file or something with the page Name and what page type it should use, and what the parent page is??

I know there is ways this could be automated through packages, but it might be a handy thing to think about as a feature on the sitemap page.