C5 marketplace Search

Hi i have some constructive criticism for the c5 dev team.

when i search on the C5 marketplace i notice i don't get many add ons back for the search term that i use.

i think this is a problem because people like me can't find add ons that are really just not showings as the search is poor.

i have started this post as C5 must be missing out on a lot of add on sales.

i think the search system needs a database of words that have the same meaning so it can use them to check in a contextual way.

prehaps some meta data that must be filed in. e.g the creater will have to give lots of words that he might think a potential customer might use to find the add on on the market place. e.g (used twice i know!) a product slider for the core e commerce add on. words i would suggest - ecommerce product scroller, product scroller, e commerce slider.

perhaps a list of phrases and then a separate list of words.

i guess i am making this post because i mainly do SEO work (along with brochure sites) and i get frustrated with search that gives me the message "No items found for "ecommerce product scroller"

what do you think... C5 team?

goutnet replied on at Permalink Reply
You should PM julia for this.

That said, Addon creators already enter a list of words (tags) to be searched, but I guess entering multiple words means that *all* corresponding words have to be found on the addon. Thus, to find more addons, you should enter less words …