Calendar - PHP or Flash Recommendation
I don't think it'll take that much effort to standardize it for any c5 install - give us a couple of weeks and it might be purchasable in the marketplace. If you need something faster, click my name and send me a message.
Have an ETA on this FRZ? ;-)
Many thanks for your help.
What you have made for is just what I'm looking for.
Would really help sway everyone concrete is the right choice!
From the name, it does not sound like it.
That being said, there is a raw html block floating around that allows for iframe embeds or any html. I believe Remo has posted one, and I know there is one in beta.
This is a dead simple block to do for yourself though, instead of waiting around for it perhaps create it?
By Clicking on a date you can simply open an ajax dialog to the event or link to a new page.
I've this in a beta theme i posted here:
with the latest stable version ( ui core 1.5.3) the frontend looks fine and all is working. But, when your logged in, many things do not work, because there are conflicts between the c5 side included jquery files and the ui-personalized-jquery file.
it has a month view and agenda view, but no recurring events.
should see it show up in the marketplace before too long.
I'm going to look into a GCal block as my first foray into Block Building.
We're looking to migrate from Typolight to C5 (mainly because C5's user experience is so much nicer / more intuitive), but I have to solve the recurring event issue before we can do it.
In TL, recurring events are stored algorithmically, but I ended up having to extend that logic to allow for an "exception table" (e.g. on a given date, show a different title, different body text, attach a different CSS class, etc.) because every time we had to shut the studio down for a holiday or a teacher got sick, I'd have to cancel and recreate every related event.
Gets very tedious when you have hundreds of events / year.
Sometimes I think it's just better to let the Google's of the world manage the really complex stuff. A good calendar can be a time sink (just think of recreating GCal).
(Same is true of eCommerce IMO).
If you need a google calendar, IMO just use a google calendar. It works well, can be displayed anywhere, etc.
With pending/imminent release of the raw html block this is a piece of cake to drop in the html that google gives you.
I haven't tried, but the starter block might even do this right out of the box.
unless GCal fixed their display time issues, dropping their embedded HTML into a block may not work for us.
In the past, embedded GCal [somehow] uses the user's local PC time to adjust event times (don't ask me why).
At first blush, this sounds good (as in, someone in Seattle views our Calendar and it automatically adjusts the times for their timezone), but in reality, it's stupid, because many users' PC times are wrong.
We used embedded GCal for a while, but received so many student complaints, we had to pull it. (They'd show up for a class an hour earlier or late.)
Using the GCal Zend API, however, seems to bypass this issue.
I am not familiar enough with the differences to intelligently comment on why this is, but it was true less than a year ago.
That and the embedded GCal does not provide enough formatting options for the agenda view. Easier to pull raw events and style them locally.
Anyway ... time to build a block. ;-)
if you have time and want to extend the stuff we're working on to handle recurring the way we're thinking, I'd be happy to talk about that with you via email franz at
I agree about using other stuff that works tho. we're looking at using google calendar for a client now because it's awfully nice as is.. there's also a lot of talk about ecommerce in these forums.. right now we're integrating with magento and thinking that we may release a ecommerce lite block for concrete5 - but you're right its hard to say exactly where that feature line should be..
Same for eCommerce. We want to use eCommerce in 2 ways: (1) to allow students to sign up for one-time events, and (2) to expand our retail presence online.
IMO, the 1st example is perfect for a simple, native block (that uses Paypal for checkout ... or the like). The later is a full-fledged storefront which I would use Magento or a similar to support via a sub-domain style deployment (e.g.
We have consciously chosen to keep them separate, because we don't want our eCommerce customers (who could be anyone, anywhere) getting confused with our services customers (who are physically near by ... and just buy from our retail store when they visit).
Besides, I think the Lite way of thinking is very consistent with C5's positioning.
Just more of my 2 cents,
I think the culprit of Timezone switching is the PHP Date function, which apparently has it's own interpretation of what your timezone *should* be.
One can fix this via the PHP function date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago');
Google's feed supports a CTZ parameter, but if you format the resulting StartTime or EndTime with PHP Date(), this parameter is rendered effectively useless.
Caused me a couple hours of frustration.
I used it here:
Got a weather forecast?
That said, it seems to work pretty well, and is very customizable. I added a few custom templates, so be sure to check them out.
Hopefully this will help some of you out!
Adding a little note/example would probably help newbies. But looks nice so far!
Calendar ID is fairly well known *if* you use shared Google Calendars. Otherwise, might bear an update in the Add form.
I should also mention that the calendar needs to be made public for it to work with calvis.
Calendar ID might be well known for google users but what happens if someone adds your bock without knowing about google calendar?
But thanks anyways!
But it seems there aren't many knobs that be turned. How can I set it up so that week or agenda view is default?
I'm not a programmer, so I just thought I'd ask if you knew what I could do to make it load.
Thanks for any help you can give.
An iframe on a google calendar isn't THAT bad.