Concrete5 backups --

I There team, I am a a keen users of concrete5 and have done quite a few sites for people. There have been a few issues along the way, but i am still very happy with the support and the program and its getting better.

I on the other hand have noticed that, I run my own cloud hosted servers, which are indeed set to do daily data folder backups. And I regular do DB backups from both inside concrete and server side.

How ever one of my bigger sites which I have just done a manual backup before I tried a concrete5 update. (just in case)

And I have noticed that the DB file is now up two 19MB which fair enough. But when I do a HTML site backup it comes out at 962 MB which is huge. And gzip tar doesn't do much more.

I think this is a Little big? This is the biggest of my sites to date and does contain hundreds of pages of articles/content.

Any who.. to the point.. my request is .. could there be a backup add on which backups your content and not the standard concrete5 folders and extra stuff. So the backup can be restored to a fresh install, other than backing up information I don't need?

As the site is growing daily and in another year I have a bad feeling the site is going to be in the gigs? and making off site backup very expensive and time consuming.

Thank you for any advise...

Kind regards
Carl Lee
USP Networks

jasteele12 replied on at Permalink Reply
This is the sort of thing that I handle with cron jobs and some simple shell and php scripts.

You can clean the cache, tell tar to exclude certain directories, optimize the database tables and then mysqlbackup --opt to gzipped time-stamped files.

I also backup the files directory separately, since this can get quite large.

If you have shell access all of these are fairly simple to implement, and pretty much set and forget.