Custom Auto Nav
Permalink 1 user found helpful
Does anyone have a code for customizing the auto nav?? I currently have a site I have turned into a C5 theme, however the main nav is done with images. I need a code that will create a custom auto nav....Thoughts?
I'm created.
The marketplace is going to register next week. at $15.
The marketplace is going to register next week. at $15.
Kino's add-on works great too! I highly recommend it!
Is there a file to download and test this??? I apologize, new to C5 and CMS in general. I appreciate all the help!!
What you're looking for are block templates.
Goto /concrete/blocks/autonav/templates and look what you have there, now your can try to make you own menu.
How about the Crimsonred Menus, I think it's exactly what you're looking for, especially when you're a beginner.
Goto /concrete/blocks/autonav/templates and look what you have there, now your can try to make you own menu.
How about the Crimsonred Menus, I think it's exactly what you're looking for, especially when you're a beginner.