Download Block

A better download block is needed with the folloowing features:

- External Hosting - Allow items download to be hosted at external URLs such as dropbox, drive, or other locations. Unlimited site hosting is only unlimited until you reach the limit.

- Download Statics - Keep track of how many times an item has been downloaded. As a bonus it would be great to keep a list of members/visitors who downloaded a specific item to be used as an email list..

- Solicitation - Option to solicit email and other information or to open quick registration form.

- Autoresponder - Either popup message box or email message or both to display a customized "thank you" message.

Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
RickJ replied on at Permalink Reply
If I understand correctly I wanted to use google drive I would have to do all of that specifically for google. Then if I needed to link to dropbox I would have to do the same for drop box. Then If I needed to download a file from somewhere else I would have to do it again. Also it's not clear how one would link to a resource to which there is no write or privileged access although I would think this is possible.

If I knew how to do all that I could probably just as easily write a custom block that does exactly what I want.

I posted the request because I believe it's an obvious need that is perhaps not so obvious to those closest to development.

Thanks anyway.