Galleria update
I wonder if anyone has done a personal update to Galleria image gallery?...
I'm not sure if it's just my set up but on all sites i have installed it the block has not been able to keep the order that is set when edit, and sometimes reverses what you do, has anyone seen this themsleves...
this was raised in support issue but remains unanswered
All that said, it is a free block which i'm extremely grateful for, so i just wondered if anyone had noticed this / fixed this themselves
I'm not sure if it's just my set up but on all sites i have installed it the block has not been able to keep the order that is set when edit, and sometimes reverses what you do, has anyone seen this themsleves...
this was raised in support issue but remains unanswered
All that said, it is a free block which i'm extremely grateful for, so i just wondered if anyone had noticed this / fixed this themselves

I have the same issue when using this block, would be a really useful block if there was a fix for this. Anyone else found a work around? Thanks
I too have this problem. When editing, the pictures go to the appropriate position, but when I exit editing it seems like they fall into whatever position they want.
Yeah, it's kind of crazy. If you Edit it, do nothing and resave it, it will reverse the order. Sometimes. Basically, I find that it will occasionally reverse the order. If you go in there and move certain images around and it is completely wrong, you might find if you look at it closer that it's just in reverse order from what you want. The solution is usually to click "Edit" and do nothing and then click "save." It will reverse the order and likely be the order you wanted.
I had the same problem and this fixed it...
Open "/packages/asmiller_gallery/blocks/asmiller_gallery/controller.php"
Find the "loadImages" method (line 112 for me).
Append this to the sql query: ' ORDER BY position'
Hope this helps!
Open "/packages/asmiller_gallery/blocks/asmiller_gallery/controller.php"
Find the "loadImages" method (line 112 for me).
Append this to the sql query: ' ORDER BY position'
Hope this helps!
Limegreen, are you using galleria with the latest C5 (, I think it is)?