Moving a block isn't working

I've not had trouble moving a block in older versions of Concrete5. I recently upgraded to a newer computer, and updated to the latest Concrete5 installation, and now when trying to move a block on a page the first movement upward causes the block to move downward! I see the scroll bar diving lower and lower as I drag farther and farther UP the page. The only way I can get the block move to work is to keep the mouse down on the block and use the keyboard up arrow to carefully get the pointer/block location where I want it on the page and let go...Bizarre, I know.

concrete5 5.5.1
Safari 5.1.2
OS X 10.6.8

Shouldn't work this way :)


mckoenig replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I, too, have this problem. Every time I try to move a block UP, the page scrolls down.

Any solutions available?


Strange, when I add the block and try to move it up the described behaviour occurs. If I leave it be, exit edit mode, reenter edit mode and try to move it it works as expected.

Can anyone confirm?
pendragn replied on at Permalink Reply
I can confirm that happens for me as well. Let's say I have three content boxes alternating with three image boxes. If I try to move one by selecting "move" and starting to drag it, the page scrolls down to the very bottom, often placing that block I have click-held on in the footer or something.

The way I have found to get around this is EITHER:

-just hit "refresh" on the page (even in edit mode) and I am able to do the move once, but any other changes to blocks requires another refresh of the page

-use Internet Explorer. IE does not have this problem, it works like it should for block moving (I use Chrome, and that bad behavior does happen there)