passing parameters to functions of controller
I used the addon Gallery asmiller to implement a gallery, the problem is that many would not load images and all from the beginning if the client until a click to see next.
The addon has this function:
Someone could help me and tell me how to pass that parameter using ajax or otherwise, or if what I definitely is not the most appropriate.
I am a beginner with php and would greatly appreciate the help.
The addon has this function:
function loadFileSet($page=1){//parameter page if (intval($this->fsID) < 1) { return false; } Loader::helper('concrete/file'); Loader::model('file_attributes'); Loader::library('file/types'); Loader::model('file_list'); Loader::model('file_set'); $ak = FileAttributeKey::getByHandle('height'); $fs = FileSet::getByID($this->fsID); $fileList = new FileList(); $fileList->filterBySet($fs); $fileList->filterByType(FileType::T_IMAGE); //group of images to show whether the condition is
Viewing 15 lines of 20 lines. View entire code block.
Someone could help me and tell me how to pass that parameter using ajax or otherwise, or if what I definitely is not the most appropriate.
I am a beginner with php and would greatly appreciate the help.
I would second the above advice.
No doubt the excellent work of jordanlev and yet I implement my gallery, my concern is that they are more or less 100 images are loaded then if all opening the page is loading too slow for everything, so I wanted to implement something of this so that only charge an amount (10) and if the client click Next to load the next 10.
Sorry for my English, Google Translate and thanks
Sorry for my English, Google Translate and thanks