Preset Layout Block

Hi, does this exist and if not how easy would it be to set up? I have a client who wants the CMS to be as easy as possible so it would be great if there was a block that had a preset layout. ie. an image placeholder on the left that the client can just click and replace and text to the right that is set in predefined sizes. I have attached a rough wireframe to make it clearer of what it could look like, better still it would be great if it could be simply customized by the designer. For example image position moved, other elements added such as a download button etc. I have pretty good knowledge of CSS but have no idea when it comes to php.

Thanks in advance, Karl

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Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're asking for, but you do know about the existing block custom template system, right?
abovecreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, pretty new to Concrete5 so not come across that feature. Are there any tutorials on how to use the template system? Had a dig around but can't seem to see any.

frz replied on at Permalink Reply