Qooxdoo Block


I'm interested in building a qooxdoo Block to build in these nice widgets.
Have a look

So if you want to do this too, contact me!

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure I get it. When I follow the link you've got, I get widgets but they're all UI widgets.. here's a button, here's an expandable tree...

How/why do you want to make these available as blocks? To me they'd be more interface elements FOR a block or an app that might DO something else..

or am i looking at the wrong stuff?
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
I could see this being something that is built third party on top of the c5 engine to replace some of the concrete5 ui things which use jquery UI as in the calendar and things like that, but these seem like javacript widgets which while cool don't seem to be block material, but like frz said help enable a block to have increased functionality with little effort :).
synlag replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you're right.
Doesn't make sense to have this as an app added with block.
To use this for interface expanding is more suggestive.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
the hooks into jquery are pretty deep, and we've already started forking them pretty aggressively.. changing that to any other JS library would be a real challenge and i'm not sure i see the payoff.