Repeater Block

Some things are useful to have on a lot of pages like contact details for example.

I think it would be useful to have a block that you can give an ID of some sort and then apply to a whole load of pages.

Then when you update the block on one page (to change the phone number for example), it is updated across all pages on the website.

hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
You should look into scrapbook items, like the header "My_Site_Name" block - you add this in your theme, then update from the scrapbook, and all pages using it are updated.

Alternately, you can just place a block in your page type defaults by using "Paste From Scrapbook" instead of "Add Block" - you have to add the block to the scrapbook first (either from the page or from the scrapbook in the dashboard)
paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi hereNT,

Thanks very much for the very quick reply!

I do use the normal Scrapbook but if you had added blocks to say 20 pages it would be quite tedious to update them all even from the Scrapbook.

The Scrapbook items you mention is very close to what I'm talking about but it requires modifying the theme.

I'm talking about a block which has an option to be given a numeric or string ID. Then whenever you change a block with that same ID, all other blocks on the site with that ID show the same content. It could therefore be placed anywhere and work with existing themes.

hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
That sounds like exactly what a scrapbook item is for, if you paste from the scrapbook onto a page type default, then add 20 pages of that type, when you update the scrapbook item it updates all 20 pages. If you already have 20 pages, and paste the same scrapbook item onto all of them, again, you can update all of them from the scrapbook.

I don't understand how what you are asking for is different than the built-in functionality?
paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply
That's very cool, I didn't know you could update the page type defaults and that is pretty much what I'm talking about!

The only way the block would be better is that you could add it after all your pages have been created. But that is pretty much it, thank you.

hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
You can - add it to the page type default, then click the block and choose 'setup on child pages' and apply it to every page that you want to.
paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply
If it were possible to edit the Scrapbook blocks and then all blocks would change, that would be *exactly* what I'm talking about.

I had a look in the Scrapbook in the Dashboard and I couldn't see any way to edit Scrapbook items?

--- Original Message Posted to Duplicate Thread ---
Paul, I think the global scrapbook does this for you, allowing you to have many instances of the same block data.

hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
There should be an "Edit" link above the block on the right hand side in the scrapbook.

Once it's added to a page you can also edit it from the front-end and there should be a little 'This is a global block, editing it will update all instances' message above the block's edit interface.
paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah ha, now that really is what I'm talking about!

Unfortunately I see neither the Edit link in Dashboard > Scrapbook nor the checkbox when editing a block.

I'm running version
hereNT replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Dashboard / Scrapbook / Scrapbook Name / Block

If it's not there, I have no idea what is wrong with your site, but it should be there. Post up a screen shot of what it looks like inside of your scrapbook, because I'm kind of curious to see.

It's not a checkbox when you paste the block from the scrapbook, it's a line of text above the edit interface once you add the block to your page. If you then edit that block, it should say 'This is a global block etc' above the edit interface to let you know that editing it updates all instances.

Or you could just TRY editing it instead of acting like it doesn't exist in your site. It's the whole point of scrapbooks, they've been this way since the beginning. You might need to copy/paste your blocks from "Global Scrapbook" instead of "Personal Scrapbok", but that's just kind of common sense...

paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
I hope I'm not missing something obvious or I'm going to look really silly!
paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah I've found the answer! It was because I was using the default admin scrapbook rather than creating a new Global Scrapbook!

Now I've done that I can see all the edit options you've described.

This has saved me loads of time and is an awesome feature of c5, thanks so much for your help!

hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
And thanks for choosing your own answer and giving yourself all the Karma for this thread.

Why did I bother helping you again?

paulfeakins replied on at Permalink Reply
lol sorry, got a bit carried away in my excitement at finding the exact solution I was after. Credit is now where credit is due! Cheers!