Search Button

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How to use the search button on concrete 5.
I added it to using block
how to get results of search??
Please explain this step by step.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The search block serves double-duty as both a search form and the search results.

Usually you will designate one page as the "search results" page, so create that page (if it doesn't already exist), and put the search block onto the main part of that page.

Now, when you add all of your other search blocks to your site, when you add/edit the block, choose to post search results to another page on the site -- the "search results" page you just created. Unfortunately I think you can't just pick a page from the sitemap but instead have to type in the path to the page -- so if your search results page has the url path "search-results", you would put "/search-results" (no quotes) into that field.

Now when you submit your search form it should go to the search results page and show you the results.
asankaw replied on at Permalink Reply
I created search results page.
How to put search block onto the main part of that page?
I didn't understand what you mean this...
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
If you don't know how to add blocks to pages, you should really read through the Concrete5 documentation on how to manage content. Try this: