Slideshow block - how to prevent image copying

Not sure if this is posible but I have a slideshow of images on my website that I'd like to prevent people from copying or downloading.
Is there a way to disable mouse clicks on hovering over the image area?
Thanks in advance

INTcommunications replied on at Permalink Reply
You can disable mouse clicks with javascript but if someone wants an image they can always do a screen shot and save it. If you use a flash slideshow - that pretty much is mouse click proof. You are better using a watermark. But even then if someone wants it they do a screen shot and then use photoshop and clone tool it out. But that would take most of the casual image savers out of the picture ( no pun intended )
patchworkfabricator replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks INTcommunications,
I don't know how to disable mouseclicks with javascript but think I will remove the few images that I would prefer to keep under control.