Star Rating Block

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As part of another larger project I've produced a Star Rating Block for C5

It's very simple and features...

* AJAX to submit rate (no page refresh)
* Tracks IP Addresses (1 rate per IP Address)
* Must be logged in to rate.
* Did I mention It's FREE !!!

Not sure if this is of use to anyone else... however since it uses AJAX/Javascript, php includes & other stuff it may be a good learning tool for someone.

The block is attached and a demo link (with download link) is below...


1 Attachment

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great. You should submit it to the marketplace so it gets reviewed the the Peer Review Board and once it gets approved you'll get some karma points and your very own add-on page for it. Good job.
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
Yea Lucas I agree.

Jimbo you did a great job. I am adding it to one of my sites this week. Go with Lucas's recommendation and submit it to the Marketplace.
LYTI replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, thanks a lot I will also be installing this add on, I been looking for something like this.
mdzoidberg replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow! this is great, thanks for sharing.
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
Updated to V2

Note that updating will cause all votes to zero.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
You could maintain your rating by backing up the database table btJjStarRating and restoring from there. bID is the block id, on a per page basis (I think) and the total_votes and total_value are the values you would repopulate on a bID basis.

Correct, JimboJetset?
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately not no... V1.2 stored each vote against the block ID but in V2 this is no longer the case. V2 uses a unique combination of both the block ID and page ID to store votes. This was done to allow people with hundreds of pages to add the block to a common template and use the child update feature to put the block on all child pages. V1.2 could not do this because it was tied soley to the block ID.
So although V2 will not delete existing votes it won't recognise them either. Sorry..
cursal replied on at Permalink Reply
I like the updated version. Nice work :)
I haven't used mine yet, but will upgrade before doing do.

Shame the update will wipe out old votes....
Anyway to add a function where you could add votes as you place a block as an option.

I know that's cheating on votes, but would help with updates.
toonsters replied on at Permalink Reply
The block is not working with concrete 5.4. Gives Adodb exception.

Zelgadis replied on at Permalink Reply
Replace "btJjStarRatingVotes2" to "btJjStarRatingVotes" everywhere in models/rating.php
brent1991 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I also installed SImple star rating block and adjust the phrases in rating.php but i've i add the block after i did that i get this (see image)

Do you know how i can solve this?

1st on is when i'm in the publish mode
2nd is in the preview mode
andrei replied on at Permalink Reply
Had the same issue, fixed it by selecting "custom templates" for the rating block and then "Align Left".
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
Now released Ajax Star Rating V2.1

Block now works with the latest version of C5

The reset funcion now works without crashing

Many core functions rewritten incorporating many bug fixes
shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
can you post a solution on how to show the rating in page list if it exists on each page?
