tabs => content
I'm busy making a new block.
I want to get the content from different pages into tabs.
Here you can see the tabs.
At this moment the description of the page comes into the tabs. But i want the content of those pages.
Is that possible?
This is based on the pagelist block.
I want to get the content from different pages into tabs.
Here you can see the tabs.
At this moment the description of the page comes into the tabs. But i want the content of those pages.
Is that possible?
This is based on the pagelist block.
this is quite easy..
You start with a page object:
don't pull the content out of the database! use the proper api functions..
You start with a page object:
$blocks = $c->getBlocks("area"); foreach($blocks as $b) { if ($b->getBlockTypeHandle() == 'content') { .. extract content block content
don't pull the content out of the database! use the proper api functions..
source code
source code
I'm sorry but i can't get it working that way.
Can you help me out a bit more?
About the post above.
It looks like you had the same idea.
But you use the description, i want to use the content...
And why don't you add it to the marketplace?
you would help a lot of people...
Can you help me out a bit more?
About the post above.
It looks like you had the same idea.
But you use the description, i want to use the content...
And why don't you add it to the marketplace?
you would help a lot of people...
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $textHelper = Loader::helper("text"); if (count($cArray) > 0) { $u = new User(); if(!$u->isSuperUser()){ ?> <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#tabs").tabs(); });
Viewing 15 lines of 49 lines. View entire code block.
this is exactly what i needed.
Thank you verry much.
Thank you verry much.
Did not register can not be explained in English so I am.
for the content you would need to pull from the database