Teaser Block with Image, Link to Page and Richtext
I am new to Concrete5 and I am trying to find a way to get a "Teaser Block" which contains several elements:
Link to (internal) Page
Image and/or File upload
Description - Text
Text - Richtext
Is this possible? I could not find any code example to include the build in "Link to Page" function in a custom made Block...
Perhaps someone can show me the way howto make such a block?
Thanks much in advance
I am new to Concrete5 and I am trying to find a way to get a "Teaser Block" which contains several elements:
Link to (internal) Page
Image and/or File upload
Description - Text
Text - Richtext
Is this possible? I could not find any code example to include the build in "Link to Page" function in a custom made Block...
Perhaps someone can show me the way howto make such a block?
Thanks much in advance
Thanks much for that hint ;-)
Do you know a solution for inserting internal links? I would really like to have the build in link to page function.
Do you know a solution for inserting internal links? I would really like to have the build in link to page function.
just have a look at some blocks, there are a few where you can select a page /concrete/blocks/page_list for example..