Upcoming New Addons and Themes

I have been very busy lately developing new addons and themes for the marketplace (for 5.7+). Here is a quick look at what I'm working on:

Social Feed Suite - The 5.7 version of Social Feed and Social Timeline - in one package!

Restricted Entry - Request age verification before viewing page.

Daily Message - Display a custom message for every day of the week. NOW AVAILABLE.

CameraCRETE - Responsive image slider (this is the 5.7 version of CameraCRETE Slider).

EZ Event - Easily display event info.

EZ Modal - Display various types of modal content, such as stacks, microblog, image gallery, videos, and more!

EZ Podcast - Display audio file, playlist, or Soundcloud playlist.

EZ Print - Make any area on a page easily printable!

EZ Text FX - Create a block that stands out with advanced text effects, including animations, gradients, responsiveness, and more!

EZ Product - A simple, light shopping cart solution. Display Shopify, Amazon, or Ebay product.

EZ Jobs - A lightweight jobs listing package.

EZ Realty - A lightweight real estate listings package.

8Bit (Theme) - A theme for retro gamers and geeks. NOW AVAILABLE.

Brutalist (Theme) - A theme for the "brutalist" design trend. Think of it as our answer to "Geocities"!

Aqueous (Theme) - The water-based theme!

Materialist (Theme) - An ecommerce theme built with Material Design.

Sleek (Theme) - A sleek 'n sexy general purpose theme.

Versus Again (Theme) - The 5.7 version of our Versus theme.

Hopefully the lab won't blow up with all this experimenting and developing going on!

Is there something you'd like to see developed for Concrete? Let us know here!

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
w00t for geocities!
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
My lab is top secret :)
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Wawho! Way to PineCreativeLabs!
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
UPDATE: I have added 2 new packages to the queue:

EZ Jobs - A lightweight jobs listing package.
EZ Realty - A lightweight real estate listing package.