*Users* attribute type

Hi All,

For a specific project, we need to create a specific attribute type.

The main idea:
The project is to extend a current C5 website with a "customer zone" area (aka a private section).
The owner want to upload files (Word, Excel, PDF, …) with minutes, technical documentation, … to specific user/group.
I suggest to create a new "attribute type" which is called *Users* - linked with *File* in Type Association.
I imagine a display with an UI a little like the new 5.6 permission model (tag style with a color for the group and an another one for the users).
When you add a new attribute, you have the options to choose if you want Users, Groups, Registred Users and Guests (checkboxes).

[ Group 1 | x ] [ Group 2 | x ] { User 1 | x } [ + ]

When you click [ + ] you have an auto-completition field with groups/users.

| Doe Morgan (doemorgan) <--- AUTO COMPLETITION
| Morsi James (jmorsi)
| Administrators <--- GROUPS list
| Editors
| Moderators
| Validators
| Registered Users
| Guests

For the Users, it's based on the C5 users (and if the User Attributes first_name and last_name are set, they are searchable and used to display results)
Then it comes very easy to upload a file and choose on which user/group personal document library the file has to appear.

Feel free to ask me if you need other details or if you have any question regarding this stuff.

Kind regards,
