
Instagram Coming Soon to Social Feed Add-on

I am just announcing now that very soon, I will be releasing a new version of my Social Feed add-on that will add Instagram! Social Feed is an add-on that allows you to display unlimited feeds from up to 14 (soon to be 15) social networks - all in on…

Tumblr feed wont' load

Any tips on using the new tumblr feed add-on? Can't get it to load my tumblr blog.

Prevent users to access files directly

Hi I was looking on some methods of preventing right click download images from site. But what I found is that if you look at the page source you see the image url anyways and can access it directly from browser. Are there ways to prevent such dire…

How get an approved discount when purchasing a theme?

Hi. How do I get a discount? I got an email saying that I could have a discount on my next purchase of a particular theme. I now want to buy that same theme a second time. How do I get the discount? When I attempt to purchase the theme, to install it…

5.6.0 beta 2 is now available

Just wanted to let everyone know that 5.6.0 beta 2 is now available. We've fixed a number of bugs that have been unearthed in the beta period. You can view them here:…

Suddenly, some pages are not loading (have not touched them)

For some odd reason, some of my pages are not loading and I'm getting the following error messages: Firefox: The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. Chrome: Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connec…

Lightboxes images on mobiles

Does anyone know which is the best lightbox that works on mobiles, but will also allow me to show multiple images (one after another) on my website when use a desktop browser? It's a bonus if it'll show multiple image one after another on mobile, but n…

Running concrete5 on top of .NET

Okay, this might sound a bit wired but I tried, and was partially able, to run concrete5 on .NET. I also started to write an article about it which I'd like to publish some day. You might wonder why I'm trying to do that. Good question.. First of all I…

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