How get an approved discount when purchasing a theme?

Hi. How do I get a discount? I got an email saying that I could have a discount on my next purchase of a particular theme. I now want to buy that same theme a second time. How do I get the discount? When I attempt to purchase the theme, to install it, I am charged full price.

I tried to use the Concrete5 "Contact Us" form to ask this question, but the captcha on the form was not working.

Thank you very much for your time and help; I am very appreciative.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to PM the theme author and they will set up the discount for you.
tamarosher replied on at Permalink Reply
John, thanks so much for your reply. I contacted the Theme Developer, and he also did not immediately know how to apply a discount. He has been checking into it.

I tried to send a message to Concrete5, and I am not able to complete the CONTACT form; the captcha on the form is not working properly. I get this message, repeatedly: Please correct the following errors:
Incorrect captcha code

I am eager to hear from the Concrete5 management about how to get an approved discount.

Thank you very much for your time and help. I am eager to hear from you.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Create a special offer. Limit it to 1 sale. Send a link to it to you.
tamarosher replied on at Permalink Reply
John, you are brilliant! I am so glad to be connected to you!

Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
julia replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there, you can always PM me instead of using the contact form. I actually followed up with the developer about how to create the discount yesterday.

Thanks John!