
How to pressent Add-on choices to customers

I have a customer who is not sure what they want in a particular product category. How do you review the available options without overwhelming them with options? I want a way to show my customer a few options for a particular add-on category. Revie…

Change rewrite

Hi I understand how to tick the box for enable pretty URL'S but I am wondering if there is a way to change the pretty URL's the way you want them to be. I like to have e.g. the following url: or…

how would you do this? Video comp - upload issues

Hi there, I work for a uni and we are running a video competition for our students. I was looking to manage this all via a c5 install but running into (obvious) problems using the file upload part of the form block due to browser timeouts on larger files.…

Concrete5 inspired logo - Need your opinions please

I really love the new Concrete5 logo, especially how the 3 fingers could look like a very abstract letter 'W' for 'Wagdi'. We set about playing with different designs. too many to upload here.. but we found ourselves always coming back to original conc…

W3C Markup Validation

I wonder if anyone hast tried to validate her/his site at I did it for both of my c5 sites and I got 3 errors on one site, and 7 errors and 1 warning for the other. Errors are about missing attributes and misplaced elemen…

converting theme for other CMS & license

I bought c5bundle which includes several themes and I wonder if the license policy to use one theme on one site still apply if one converts thene to some other CMS? I bet it does, but IANAL . :-)

Slow load times

Hi Guys, I am a web developer and do lots of work with both custom bespoke html/css/php sites and also with wordpress sites. For one of my personal websites I recently decided to convert it to concrete5. I have for a long time searched for a simple page …

Premium tutorials

Hello Comunity, I am looking for someone willing to screencast/write premium tutorials. If anyone is interested please contact me via message. Thank you.

Superfish Menu

I have added the Superfish Menu to my site, I want to change the background of the menu to an image. I have changed the "design" and added a background image, but it does not show up on the site after saving. Is there a…

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