Chit-Chat updated

We had some very brief planned downtime this evening, while we migrated to a new server, as well as hosted DNS. We've fixed a few bugs with the forums, including some posting inconsistencies. Additionally, we've added a couple of features. 1. On you…

The dumbest question you will see today..

that isn't related to GoDaddy and I'm a php newb. So I have been poking around the new RC1 of Concrete5, in the block area, under basically all the blocks where it used to be [code]

Exit Edit Mode spins indefinitely

I have a brand new site, pretty much a place holder with almost no modifications to the site besides a couple of blocks on the front page. I click Exit Edit Mode...and it never finishes. My Activity Monitor shows .3% CPU usage to host the site, so it …

Flash Uploader (not a whine)

I was wondering which flash uploader you/we are using? I have been poking around in the concrete folder in the al.php and all of that and I don't have a easy way aside from the name of the file to determine which uploader C5 is using. Thanks :)

So many DB queries

Why did the system generates so many hits to the database when you load the main page. Receives about 3 pages of requests under the built-event log.

New Internationalization Stuff!!

Andrew posted a new RC build to sourceforge and I moved all the messages that had been spread out into one internationalization forum. We're at a point where we really need to just get the language files complete before that can be called done. http://…

lang file

Hi! how change lang file?

custom buttons in toolbar

I wonder what you think about the following idea. I would like to have an option in the dashboard "Custom Buttons" where it is possible to add a list like this: (Variable name, Block Type) - Footer, Content - Background-Picture, Image This wo…

Google Analytics (or

Hi, would be cool to have a feature to turn off internal statistics and offload it to either Mint or Google Analytics. This is trivial to add in the template (we all can copy and paste) but being able to checkbox out whatever processes run to do the lo…

Forum bugs

Where shall I post bugs related to the forum? Is this forum part of the concrete5 bug tracker? For example - links sent by mail contain a "#" that shouldn't be there..

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