
Links not working on mobile devices

On my website we have menu links and for some reason these work on desktop and only some android and iOS phones (and tablets) for no apparent reason. The menu that doesn't work is on this page: and it's the even…

Any SEO Google add-ons or tricks for Concrete5?

I'm looking for ways to get insight in the performance of my websites with SEO. I've heard about add-ons on Wordpress that show you the ranking on Google on the page and show how the content is working. Is something like this available for Concrete5 or is…

How to reactivate a deactivated user

My apologies in advance if I'm being an idiot... I'm not sure which forum to even post this in. I have users sorted into various User Groups in a website for a non-profit. A few did not renew their membership, and so I deactivated their individual User…

Unable to Connect to the Community

Hi, I am currently having issues connecting a site to the Community in order to extend Concrete5. Looks like this is across all my sites (old ones as well as new ones). For some reason, when I try to connect to the community it does not recognise my c…

An idea how to promote concrete5 to masses. Cost - 10 min.

A call to all developers and designers, what if we all advertise and offer (anywhere, our own websites, social media, ad/classified boards whatever, everywhere) free website launch to all who wishes at minimal cost of hosting and domain registration? A…

Permissions - who can view the page

Hi, I'm a complete novice user. Under the permissions section, I unticked all the boxes on who can view the page and now I can't see the pages that I need to edit. I was doing this initially because I thought this would hide/unpublish the page on the w…

Plans to compete with Laravel

Hi. I'd like to know what the "elders" and real programmers of concrete5 think about Laravel, its popularity, power, tools, features and how concrete5 can compete with it in the future. It's not a question of which one's better. It's a question of Lara…


Good morning dear friends. How can I restore a page that I have deleted by mistake?

Version 8.5.3 Now Available!

Hey everyone, just letting you know that concrete5 8.5.3 is now available. The biggest reason for this release now is the inability to update certain websites in Chrome (due to a recent Chrome bug.) This may be fixed in Chrome by the time you read this, b…

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