Links not working on mobile devices

On my website we have menu links and for some reason these work on desktop and only some android and iOS phones (and tablets) for no apparent reason. The menu that doesn't work is on this page: and it's the evening menu that we're having issues with. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Things I have done so far:
Cleared cache
Tried and old link that I know used to work (it now doesn't work on mobiles)
Tried doing it with open in the same window and open in new window
Tried used a different heading style

Any help is much appreciated :)

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
The problem comes from the "owl carousel". You'll notice that on mobile devices the 3 boxes "about us", "menus", and "awards" disappear. They're actually still there, just not visible, and they're blocking the "evening menu" link so you can't click it.

Somebody needs to modify the CSS or script to make it behave differently.

The fix is actually quite simple. In your CSS you have
@media screen and (max-width: 380px) {
.inner-container {
    float: left;
    width: 100%;

On smaller screens, there should be no float at all as it's not needed and it will fix the problem.

Alternatively, instead of removing that float you could add
.home-thumbslider {
    clear: left;

Which will force the owl elements to stop covering the floating element