(04/12 - 04/17) $55 add-on giveaway! (multiple entries allowed)

Hi everyone!

You may or may not know me. I'm Joshua and I'm an add-on developer here. I've developed add-ons like Flash Video, Code Blocks, Stickies and Media Library.

Just today I've decided to lower the price of my add-ons across the board, and announce a new contest!

First off, here are the new prices (changes are underway) for my current portfolio of Marketplace add-ons:

Flash Audio: $15
Flash Video: $25 ($10 savings)
Stickies: Free
Code Blocks: $15
Media Library: $40 ($15 savings)
Flash Embed: $15 ($20 savings)
Textile: Free

Now, here are the rules for the giveaway:

I will ask a series of questions below. If you reply to this thread with your answers to these questions, you will receive an entry in the contest. If you reply multiple times, with the answer to these questions for multiple add-ons, you will receive multiple entries.

Please only answer the questions once per reply. To answer them multiple times, reply multiple times.

You can also receive one bonus entry if you give me suggestions on add-ons which don't exist, but you'd like to see here in Concrete. To get your bonus entry, you must have replied at lease once in response to my questions.

Good, so is it clear enough on how you can get entries? The winner will be chosen at random this Friday, and will receive $55 in site licenses for their choice among my add-ons. That means you could win free licenses for the Media Library and Flash Embed add-ons, or for Code Blocks, Flash Audio and Flash Video, or three copies of Flash Audio ... it's your pick.

And now, the questions. This shouldn't be too hard. Remember, this is add-on specific, so limit your reply to answering for one add-on only. You can reply again if you would like to answer them for another add-on as well.

If you have downloaded the add-on before:

1. Do you like it?
2. What could it do better?
3. What do you love about it?
4. Do you feel the new price is fair?
5. Would you purchase it again for another site, and if not, what might change your mind?

If you have not downloaded the add-on before:

1. Have you ever thought of buying it before?
2. Does the add-on's page clearly communicate what the add-on will do for you?
3. Do you feel that the new price is fair?
4. Are there features or changes you hope to see added?
5. Would you consider purchasing it, or if not, what might change your mind?

Happy posting! Thanks for your feedback. Please try and be descriptive in your responses, as you may be required to clarify if all your answers are short or unclear in meaning. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say!

jizzle replied on at Permalink Reply
I have not downloaded any of these addons. This response will be directed towards your flash video block.

1. Kinda. I thought about it but will not spend any money on a video embed.

2. Yes, your descriptions are top notch

3. Nope. I feel this functionality should be part of the core. But for you as an independent developer... maybe.

4. Not yet. I haven't started thinking about video embed yet.

5. I will need this functionality soon, but do not feel that I will purchase a block (rather, do it myself or would download a free one if one was available).
bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
I have downloaded the block

1. I would love it if the Video block would work on my site that has a light box pop-up. We are about to go live with this site and now have to think of a alternative to the video player.

2. If the bugs were fixed that concern pop-ups.

3. I love the simple look of the block and how easy it is to customize.

4. Yes, bug fixes. That's about it.

5. Yes, I would purchase it again for another site. Besides this random bug I think it works just fine. Although I would think twice about it because it doesn't seem to be tested as much as it should have and I feel like I lost $35 bucks .
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
FYI, I sent over a custom template which uses an object tag rather than using swfobject to embed the video player. The problem seems to be an unusual compatibility problem between your lightbox script and swfobject, or some other factor I'm not aware of. It's tough when the problem is IE-only, since all my good debug tools are in Opera. This should resolve the issue, and shouldn't be a problem on the average site, as swfobject is really solid
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I have downloaded all the blocks (PRB)

Flash Video:
1. I think it is one of the best Video players for C5 as it has an elegant interface and is the only Video addon Made for C5 (not adapted to work)
2. More video formats
3. Its simple, sleek, and has a ton of features
4. nope
5. Yep!
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, Mnkras,

FYI I just ran acrosshttp://clipnabber.com/ the other day when a friend of mine needed to get his videos off of YouTube and Facebook, and it worked great. This, in addition to a video converter, might be a great asset for adding video

I wish there was an easier way to add server video conversion, but of course that only really works if you aren't using a shared hosting server, and you have it properly configured. There obviously isn't a free service that will process your video for free and give it right back to you :)
Metaglyphics replied on at Permalink Reply
I have downloaded the Flash Embed block. I actually ended up not using it, but studying the code helped me figure out a solution to an issue I had on the westla.com website.

1. Do you like it?
It actually didn't do exactly what I needed, but it would be terrific for its intended use.

2. What could it do better?
It would be nice if the interface could provide a way to serve the XML directly to other content blocks, so clients could use it without having to understand XML.

3. What do you love about it?
It helped me to understand how C5 creates paths to file manager content, which has proven useful on every subsequent project.

4. Do you feel the new price is fair?

5. Would you purchase it again for another site, and if not, what might change your mind?
I might purchase it again, if a project requirements could use it.
sniffydog replied on at Permalink Reply
1. seems to do exactly what I wanted it to do. No issues as of yet.
2. nada (only played around with it a bit, though)
3. saves time
4. price seems maybe a bit high
5. multi-use license would be nice...wasn't it multi-site prior to the price decrease? what gives?
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, thanks for the feedback.

Actually, the standard marketplace license for Concrete5 is per site. Unless I'm mistaken, every single add-on that's for sale right now is being sold as one-sale-per-site.

I came to realize that this was being overlooked when I started providing support for the third or fourth site a customer was building. I added the license reminders in to try and help encourage repeat sales. I don't want to come across as the only one who is selling single licenses, but I felt like I had to do something.

The media library is also priced higher because it includes both the audio and video players, in addition to the thumbnail generator and other things I've developed. Other popular video players alone will cost you 55 euros for commercial use, then extra for additional features. I've tried to find a cost that's low enough to be attractive, but high enough that I can at least come out even on the time it takes to develop, maintain and support my add-ons
ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Absolutely
2. Maybe a Preview before saving.
3. It allows me to include remote mp3's from my CDN on the site.
4. n/a
5. Indeed
ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Yes
2. Option to display for admins even when not in edit mode (used for TODO's)
3. Only admins see it and it looks cool too.
4. n/a
5. It was free and yes

I feel this addon needs a bit more write up. Right now I use it on a site that has multiple editors and it really helps to be able to leave stickie notes behind for important info.
ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
1. Very much so
2. Maybe a Preview tab
3. the color coding rocks and it works perfect
4. n/a
5. count on it
bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
I didn't catch your reply in here elyon sorry about that. The block works perfect now!

1. i love it!

2. nothing the bug fixes did the trick!

3. i love that it works and that elyon fix the bugs when I had a request! He did a really good job!

4. prices are fair!

5. yes i would purchase it again. especially because the developer helps out so much!
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
... And the winner is (by random selection), ideasponge. Thank you everyone for your feedback and support. I look forward to the next time we can do a giveaway!
matiriaorganica replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Joshua. I have installed the Embedded Flash It is on one of my clients home pagehttp://www.omicaorganics.com Love the ability to handle XML flash. It is working very well. I love the great group here. I think Franz and the team are doing a wonderful job.

Keep up the good work.

primary userid: madebig
DB Research, LC