5.4.2 Update and errors

This is bizarre!

So many problems with the much anticipated new release of C5.

There are a few similar problems, but not one common fault, at least not from what the forums are saying.

But on the plus side, In the past there were only three things that happened to me that Concrete didn't like.

My server, my style sheets and my Javascript.

My server played up when it moved to a new location or cPanel got upgraded, server support sorted it out.

My style sheets were not always prepared properly so things went weird.

I applied a bit of fancy javascript and all things went completely haywire.

My errors have caused the 'Edit bar' to disappear, the page layout to rearrange itself and the dashboard to hang on me.

My javascript also gave me some sort of weird error message I've never seen before, so I quickly backtracked.

For my part I changed my javascript slightly and coded my style sheet accordingly, problems solved.

So perhaps when using things concerning fancy CSS and javascript you might want to test and compromise a bit.

So possibly we need to check or someone does, the conflicts between the way we did things with C5 and the way we should now!

The only thing I can't do is use the Add Functionality section!

Update - Andrew has just fixed it for me.
