5.4.2 Update causing crazy behavior for IE
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After upgrading a site from 5.4.05 to 5.4.2 IE would crash every time you would browse to the site. Didn't see the same behavior with Firefox or Chrome, just IE.
Thanks for this, resolved my IE7 issue after upgrade. I upgraded to jquery 1.6.3 rather than downgrading, solved the issue.
How do I go about updating JS Query to 1.6.3. I have just updated Concrete5 to
Theres a few ways to go about it, easiest would probably be to create a file called jquery.js in the root /js/ folder and copy and paste the minified file fromhttp://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.3.min.js... in there.
jQuery 1.6.3 has been released, and I believe it has a bug fix for the issue (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/9823), although I have not tested it.
Download another version of jQuery and place it at /js/jquery.js in your C5 site.