5.6 Support Period and the status of Migration Tool
As we can see the light of Version 8, it's time to start talking about the support of 5.6 and the status of migration tool.
- How long we are going to support 5.6 for bug fixes
- When the Migration Tool become available at Marketplace for everyone to start migrating to 5.7
Mentioned by a Japanese user by the following thread
- How long we are going to support 5.6 for bug fixes
- When the Migration Tool become available at Marketplace for everyone to start migrating to 5.7
Mentioned by a Japanese user by the following thread

The migration tool is already available, it can be found from the links here -https://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/customizing_c5/5.6-to-5.7...
Yes, I am aware of Andrew's post, but it would be nice to discuss whether the add-on should be available on marketplace or not.
And we need to discuss about the support of 5.6.
Yes, I am aware of Andrew's post, but it would be nice to discuss whether the add-on should be available on marketplace or not.
And we need to discuss about the support of 5.6.
What benefit would there be to putting it in the marketplace over having it on github? To me it seems like github is a better place for it because it leaves the tool open for community contributions.
As for 5.6 only the core team knows how long they will support it.
As for 5.6 only the core team knows how long they will support it.
I believe the core team has pretty much stopped all development on legacy versions (5.6 and older). At this point, it will likely only be around until most web hosts stop using older versions of PHP - which may be a while yet. The core team is putting all their efforts into 5.7 and up at this point.
So, I'd say it's still rather vague in regards to how much longer it will be until 5.6 and older is no longer supported.
So, I'd say it's still rather vague in regards to how much longer it will be until 5.6 and older is no longer supported.
Personally, it's troublesome to download the migration tool add-on from GitHub from the user point of view.
I'm fine with to leave the 5.6 support policy vague.
I'm already putting my 99% of effort to 5.7 and 8 personally, too.
But at the some point, it would be nice to make an official announcement
Personally, it's troublesome to download the migration tool add-on from GitHub from the user point of view.
I'm fine with to leave the 5.6 support policy vague.
I'm already putting my 99% of effort to 5.7 and 8 personally, too.
But at the some point, it would be nice to make an official announcement
It seems to me sort of unbelievable that the Concrete5 developers would have introduced a not backward compatable release without simple migration tools. It is "incompatable" with the selling point of Concrete5 that a website can be built and maintained with it by non-experts.
If I have to migrate my 5.6 website using the current tools, I'll write a new website in Wordpress where they never would have done such a stupid thing.
If I have to migrate my 5.6 website using the current tools, I'll write a new website in Wordpress where they never would have done such a stupid thing.
Just make sure you read into all the dangers of using WordPress, since you got the very same issue with every CMS (one way or another).
We have a bit better answer for 5.6 support.
concrete5.6 support ends when concrete5.org upgraded the marketplace.
concrete5.6 support ends when concrete5.org upgraded the marketplace.