5.7 Default Email Settings

I am trying to set all the default email addresses to a generic address. I've placed this code in application/config/concrete.php

return array(
    'email' => array(
        'default' => array(
            'address' => 'donotreply@company.org',
        'form_block' => array(
              'address' => 'donotreply@company.org'

I have allowed public registration that needs to be reviewed and approved by an admin. When the user receives the email from application/mail/user_register_approval_required_to_user.php, the generic email address is used.

However, when I approve the request, the user receives a second email from /concrete/mail/user_registered_approval_complete.php but this one comes from the admin email address.

How can I change this to the generic address and better yet, what are all the possible options I can put in the email array?


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe this is all of the email settings

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Email settings
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'email'             => array(
    * Enable emails
    * @var bool
   'enabled' => true,
   'default' => array(
       'address' => 'concrete5-noreply@' . (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'localhost'),
       'name'    => ''