Accordeon Menu - How to put it horizontal?
Hi there,
I'm using the Plain Yoghurt theme, i have edited it to my style etc.
I want to place the autonav (custom template Accordeon Nav) but it is vertical. I want it horizontally so that it can be placed under the picture.
Does anyone know a solution for this...
Many thanks.
I'm using the Plain Yoghurt theme, i have edited it to my style etc.
I want to place the autonav (custom template Accordeon Nav) but it is vertical. I want it horizontally so that it can be placed under the picture.
Does anyone know a solution for this...
Many thanks.

Do you mean you want it to open and close horizontally? I don't think that is supported in the blocks construction.
you probably need to change its css, so look into its styles definition.
it would help if you google "make menu horizontally css" :)
it would help if you google "make menu horizontally css" :)