Adsense Plugin

Hey there :)

I'm wondering if someone smarter than me has already think of creating an Adsense plugin which would allow us to automatically insert Adsense in all our pages without having to edit anything else than the plugin when we must change whether our Pub ID or else...

I mean some kind of plugin which is available for Wordpress. Just change the info from the backoffice or dashboard and everything automatically changes in each page...

Might be a great addition to the Concrete5 marketplace and huge time saver for those who have to change their Adsense stuff - like I have to do right now.

Won't be a fun task to do although I don't have a huge lot of pages yet but if I had 100's of pages to change, it would become a hard task, waste of time and, since I thought of moving all my sites or integrate all of them in my current Concrete5 site, I'm still reluctant to do so because of this :(

If anyone has an idea, I'll glady read it and take any advice into consideration :)

Thanks for reading,

Steff replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi hollyday

I have created such a block for c5 5.2.1. Unfortunately it does not work with the current version.

I planned to rewrite the block for If everything works fine, I'll update my post next week.

Here's the post:
hollyday replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent news :D

I think I downloaded this plugin in the past but I don't remember if it included Google search or not - there's another Google search plugin but this one doesn't seem to allow the addition of our Pub ID ;)

Does yours include search?
Seattle replied on at Permalink Reply
That would rock!
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
like editing tracking code?

the footer_required stuff is specifically built for this, attaching screenshot of where you would add it, under tracking code.
hollyday replied on at Permalink Reply
Getting a place or two like the footer required stuff would be fantastic as it'll allow anyone to change their Adsense info on the whole site with just one change from the dashboard.

That is what I'm looking for - I transfered a site to someone else and because I used php statements for Adsense, they didn't have any problem to install their own info on the site.

Now, if I had to transfer my site built with Concrete5 and while it's an excellent tool, I'd have to manually delete ALL Adsense modules before being able to transfer the site (as per Adsense TOS you can't transfer with ads) and then the new owner woud have to re-create all modules with their own info.
hollyday replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems that there's nothing new for Adsense in Concrete5... Hm... Think I will have to give up C5 and get Wordpress or Joomla instead :(
fireant replied on at Permalink Reply
Well .. that is a deal breaker for me also.
I will be back once this software matures a bit more.
Looks good so far !
ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
I wouldn't give up on concrete5 just because of this. there are two options here for adsense:

1.) Create an adsense block. when you sell/transfer a site, you delete the block, everything is gone.

2.) Load all your adsense modules using Loader::element('adsense');

If you transfer a site, you delete the contents of siteroot/elements/adsense, it fails gracefully because it doesn't actually have anything to include markup wise.

Creating an adsense block would just be an exercise in patience, it wouldn't be hard to do.
hollyday replied on at Permalink Reply
Not everyone can do that.. For example, I definitely don't know what loader etc does mean, where to find it, etc.

I'm not a developer, I'm just a user... If using Concrete5 means becoming programmer/developer, then it's definitely not for me.

With WordPress, Joomla, Nuke and the rest, there are plugins which do the job, easy to install, just put your Adsense ID and you're done.

As for creating Adsense blocks through modules, it's tedious, particularly when you have to change their data in 100 pages.
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply
This has now been done. It might be a bit too late since this thread was started a couple months ago. But if you're interested our new AdSense block has just been submitted to the C5 marketplace and is currently under review. Once the review is complete, it will be available for download at:

You can also see it in action at: