advanced permissions

I am currently building 6 websites using concrete 5 for a school network. I plugged in the code for advanced permissions and I could no longer add, move or edit my content. I removed the code and was able to edit what I had already created, nothing more. I TRIED to tweak the code a little and my site is no longer accessible to the public. It is like I went to the sitewide settings and put it in edit mode, where only the dashboard in accessible, and the public can no longer view the site. Does anyone know how to fix this?

weltenschmid replied on at Permalink Reply
...instead of M$ Internet Explorer?

Since the new update, I'm no longer able to add new blocks to the page in IE7 without getting to the Page Permission Settings Window instead the window to add a Block Type.
sgtpinky replied on at Permalink Reply
In IE6 you can't edit c5 at all. The buttons along the top of the page are all cascaded and out of alignment such that it's impossible to click anything.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
and that's gonna stay that way. ie6 support is a pain.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
He's talking about IE7.

We've upgraded a page from 5.0.0RC to 5.1.0 and since that there are a few problems with IE7

- When adding a block the advanced permission dialog appears (advanced permission not activated)
- In the Sitewide Settings, the buttons on top are not visible anymore (Access, General..)
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
I may be mis-reading this but it sounds like you need to change the block area permissions in page defaults. if you switch on advanced permissions after you've made a bunch of content, sometimes c5 doesn't know who should be able to do what to the page so it feels like it's broken.

You have to goto each block area in the page defaults under page types in dashboard, and set the add/read/write privs for the area correctly...

does that help or are we really talkin about an ie7 bug?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
we've never used the advanced permission model but as I mentioned here:

the problem disappeard after I've played around with the files while debugging.

will try to reproduce this problem on Monday again.
eric replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think it is a bug or a browser issue, more of an error on my part. I was just curious if anyone else had run into this problem and knew how to fix it. The manager worked great till I started digging a little to deep, messing with stuff I really shouldn't have been. I got the site back on line and can edit my already created content. The only issue I have now is being able to add pages, any idea's out there?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
I maintain it still might be permissions.

goto each and every "defaults" button in page types.
for each page, check the permissions tab up top.
There is a drop down labeled "currently viewing:" Look through all of the options there, but particularly for sub page permissions.
hit save, you'll be back in edit more on the page type defaults.

then go to each and every block area and check the permissions tab. Do they look right?

if all that checks out and you still can't make pages or content where you should then i'd love a login to your site via a message (just click my avatar here)

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
When you're trying to migrate an existing site to the advanced permissions model, it's important to be logged in as the super user (admin) while doing so - because admin should always have the ability to do everything.

A lot of permissions won't be set by default (because the simple permissions model won't check them), like those for area, etc... While they should filter down gracefully the moment you start changing them unexpected things can happen. They should be fine if you can edit them (area ones, specifically) and make sure that you setup the proper users/groups to have access - but if you don't you'll find yourself in situations where you lock yourself out of editing something.

For example, say I'm logged in as "andrew" and andrew is in the administrator _group_ (note - this is NOT the same as the super admin user). If I go into an area, and I set the area up to override the page's permissions - and I neglected to give the admin group edit access to that area, I will have just locked my user out of editing that area. If I yank out "read" permissions I won't be able to even see the area any more.

Fortunately, if you log in as the super user (admin user account) you should be able to read/modify everything again, and revert the permissions if necessary.

Does this help at all? I realize this is all a separate discussion from the IE 7 advanced permissions issue - which is purely a javascript issue and should be fixed soon.
eric replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I am able to add, edit, and move pages again, but now my edits are all funky. Everytime I add a image, it floats up into the masthead. What gives? I would really hate to scratch this site and have to start all over, is there anything that can be done before I do this? Can you send me a secure e mail address so I can send my login and user name?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
that strikes me as super odd... what else might have changed? for images to be showing up in a new place - i would have to think a template or css change was made. permissions might create some issues around who can edit what - but not where it shows up..

is it possible there are some unclosed tags somewhere or your templates changed?
eric replied on at Permalink Reply
I personally have not changed any of the css files. I add a page, set the design I want and save it. Then when I go to edit it, it freaks out. I have tried it in ie7, and mozzila. Don't know what's up. Come to think of it, I added a page and it looks fine, then I added a second page and it messed up. The first page added fine, all the content went where it was supposed to and all the blocks were editable. I checked the permissions and have all the access available.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
so it sounds like the second page you added works fine, but the first one, things move around between view mode and edit mode??

I'm not sure I can really visualize what's happening to ya.. can you post some screenshots or a video of what you're doing/getting?
eric replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
It looks like this when I add a image and a masthead... the side nav floats up too
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you get this fixed? i visited the url in the screenshot u sent to try to look at the source, but the page rendered fine for me..
marxion replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Works great on my local dev environment but here's the attached screenshot from when I try to add a user to a group...funny little blue men??

Using Safari also requires a refresh page each time I want to view the sitemap.
marxion replied on at Permalink Reply
FFox worked great.....cleared the Safari cache and all is well.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Good to hear.