Background Colour for WSYISYG

Hi, i have a website theme ive done with a red main background and a white page in the centre, when i go into the wysiwyg editor it shows my dark red main background with black font and its hard to see. Im wondering if anyone can tell me ho i fix this please..i have looked on the forums with someone saying to edit the typography.css with the line :

body#tinymce { color:#FFF !important; background-color:#000000 !important; }

but it doesnt make any difference at all, id really appreciate if anyone can help


vincedelaking replied on at Permalink Reply
That is the correct way. So is your typography.css in the same directory as your default.php?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The typography.css file needs to be at the top-level of your theme directory (it can't be in a "css" subdirectory or anything like that).
Also, that file is aggressively cached and hence often won't show you the updates unless you both clear the Concrete5 cache (via Dashboard -> Sitewide Settings), AND clear your browser cache.

Note that you should just be able to put this in the typography.css file:
body {
   color: #000;
   background-color: #fff;

(that will give you black text on a white background -- if you want white text on a black background, switch the two color codes -- #000 is for black, #fff is for white)