Backing up site
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Hi I was wondering if there was an easy way to back up/download an entire site with all content in still in tact.

on backing the site up
there is an add-on that has been submitted for this which we'll stick in the marketplace as soon as we get a chance...
that being said, i'm not sure how valuable it would be to a non-web-geek as it doesn't have a simple restore feature..
does your webhost not provide some backup??
that being said, i'm not sure how valuable it would be to a non-web-geek as it doesn't have a simple restore feature..
does your webhost not provide some backup??
i think that backup addon actually does have a db restore feature. (btw, right now we're just waiting on davidmirv to fix some bugs on it before it goes live.)
I'm excited for this. Sometimes "going live" can be a pain and this feature would be great to have to make going live easier. I know Joomla has something like the same thing and those people love it. Can't wait!
I'm new to conrete5 and looking to use it for a couple of projects I am working on (which I was going to do in Joomla)
that said I would be slightly nervous about rolling this out without any 'back up plan' and the ability to create a restore point.
How do you guys/gals do this to date?
that said I would be slightly nervous about rolling this out without any 'back up plan' and the ability to create a restore point.
How do you guys/gals do this to date?
Just a standard MySQL database dump and a tar file of the deployment directory (excluding `concrete` and `config` of course) is sufficient to do a restore, upgrade or re-install on another server.
ok thank you :)
I am using Concrete and am not ready to upgrade to 5.4 yet since I just got used to this one over the past couple months.
It seems like with all this images uploading that I've been doing, it would be pretty difficult to re-upload all the images if my site ever goes down! Am I wrong about this?
I've just noticed that everytime I add images, Concrete5 makes a new directory and sticks them in there. I sort of thought it would all go in one "images" directory or something, but nope; I've got dozens and dozens of image directories!
It seems like with all this images uploading that I've been doing, it would be pretty difficult to re-upload all the images if my site ever goes down! Am I wrong about this?
I've just noticed that everytime I add images, Concrete5 makes a new directory and sticks them in there. I sort of thought it would all go in one "images" directory or something, but nope; I've got dozens and dozens of image directories!
If you make a backup of your site through cPanel or simply via a straight site dump via FTP to your hard drive, then all your directories will stay the same and all you would have to do is upload your backup to your server via FTP (in the event that something went askew).
Personally, I have a duplicate test site where I make sure every new version of C5 works with my site before I take it live. Double safe.
Personally, I have a duplicate test site where I make sure every new version of C5 works with my site before I take it live. Double safe.
you also need a full mysql dump as that conatins all the info, its more important that the file system
thanks guys!!!