
Just wondering, I saw there's a badge for running a site with C5, and one for having 5 sites or something like that. I have a bunch of sites running C5 (like most of you here I'm assuming), so how do you get those badges assigned to you?

Just like a little swag! :)

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Get a hold of Franz (username: frz). He will help you.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You go to your profile and on the right hand find the link that says "Submit a showcase site". When you have submitted the right number of sites, you get the badges.
PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh yeah.. forgot this badge is automated.

There are other badges that aren't, and a request needs to be made to Franz about getting them.
dibbc replied on at Permalink Reply
I do already have quite a few "submitted to showcase", but I did those several years ago, and I read on another thread that if you did it back then they may not show up, but the next time you submit one then they'll all kick in and you should get the badge.

So anyway I'm going to unsubmit one and then resubmit it and see what happens. Will post back with results.