C5 appears to be running very slow
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Our site using C5 appear to be running very slow, I'm paying for a service on freehostia.
any idea what my Problem could be?
any idea what my Problem could be?

seems like it would be your hosts server. i have seen c5 run slow on both godaddy and network solutions before. your site did load fairly quickly for me though.
Is there that much stuff going on in c5 that my server would run slow?
if you're on a shared server, then it may have nothing really to do with concrete. the other sites running on the server may be pushing it to some resource constraint (bandwidth, CPU, memory, etc), forcing your site to wait in line for those resources.
I'm not getting terrible loading times for your site. I agree with Tony that if you're running concrete5 (or any other application) on a shared server, you are subject to sharing system resources with possibly hundreds of other sites.
thx its ok now, is there a way to change all my pages at once to use the banner that I use in the home page?
page defaults
man you guys think of it all, I hope to be recommending this cms to meetup groups in london
oaaw boo, my site just stopped working and no idea why.
I'm getting
Unable to connect to database.
A database error occurred while processing this request.
maybe i've been hacked or someone got the password?
I'm getting
Unable to connect to database.
A database error occurred while processing this request.
maybe i've been hacked or someone got the password?
IGNORE, my hosts fault
I changed the page defaults of a left side bar thing and I deleted the banner an inserted a slide show in its place but now everything has moved up friends:
gah, the slideshow block has so many problems, install the spacer block from the Marketplace and stick it under the Slideshow
Just thought I'd comment on the slow speeds... Be careful to avoid cheap shared hosting, when starting off, I went down that road. We worked out that our host was running our mysql on a seperate server which created a major bottleneck.
I'd recommend concrete5 hosting.
I'd recommend concrete5 hosting.
crying shame as the spacer only shift the content down, the header is still messed up(when used in page defaults), I may have to make my own swf instead
Yes, to everyone on shared hosting plans, don't freak out if all of a sudden you site is down. It is not C5's fault (except for the fact that all CMS's are bigger, fatter, and slower than straight html sites). I have the same problem withhttp://www.hotsaucehosting.com and hostways.com, my site get's put in line to wait, even knocked off line occasionally. Now that I've made all of my clients happy telling them they can update their own sites, I have to make them unhappy to tell them they need to pay higher monthly fees for a dedicated server. If anyone has a better idea, please me and Quantum know.
Concerning your hosting service provider. What they have not told you is this. They are nothing more then a Godaddy Hosting Reseller. I can prove this only cause the site that I've been building as of late. The IDIOT that sold the service to the client showed me and told me. GODADDY SUCKS.
Here is the link to his Godaddy Reseller page.
If you see anyone with this "interface" selling web hosting. They are using Godaddy. They own this asp.net design/interface.
Here is the link to his Godaddy Reseller page.
If you see anyone with this "interface" selling web hosting. They are using Godaddy. They own this asp.net design/interface.
Lost Soul, I hope you get this response, even though it is almost a year and a half later. Thank you for pointing out that Hotsauce Hosting is just a GoDaddy reseller. I suspected that, because when you call their tech support, the person will occasionally slip and say "GoDaddy". I couldn't agree with you more, they are being really shady using GoDaddy's product and not telling the customer that, and yes, GoDaddy does s**k. The other shady thing about Hotsauce Hosting is Google them, they don't show up unless you type in the url. I gotta get out!
Yes, to everyone on shared hosting plans, don't freak out if all of a sudden you site is down. It is not C5's fault (except for the fact that all CMS's are bigger, fatter, and slower than straight html sites. I have the same problem withhttp://www.hotsaucehosting.com and hostways.com, my site get's put in line to wait, even knocked off line occasionally. Now that I've made all of my clients happy telling them they can update their own sites, I have to make them unhappy to tell them they need to pay higher monthly fees for a dedicated server. If anyone has a better idea, please let me and Quantum know.
This post helped speed up the performance on one of my client's servers enormously:
Performance has been good across the board on my own server. I have shared hosting with HostGator for $10 a month, unlimited domains, bandwidth, email, etc, though I certainly wouldn't mind being able to leverage something like eAccelerator.
Performance has been good across the board on my own server. I have shared hosting with HostGator for $10 a month, unlimited domains, bandwidth, email, etc, though I certainly wouldn't mind being able to leverage something like eAccelerator.
Elyon, I went to the link you gave and tried this on my "very slow page loading" site and there was no difference. Is there something I'm missing? I put the one line of php code on the last line of my root>config>site.php file and I noticed no difference in performance. I think I was having the same problem as you. I upgraded to, the most recent version of C5 and now wait 30-75 seconds for a page to load. Could you give more descriptive instructions?
<?php define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0)));?>
<?php define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0)));?>
Wow, 30-75 seconds is an insane wait time! There's only so much you can do if the shared server you're on is over-taxed.
Here's what I would try -> ask your host to move your account to a different server.
Here's what I would try -> ask your host to move your account to a different server.
I am liking this snippet Elyon.... thats gone right up my flagpole... I'm saluting this idea.
<?php define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0))); ?>
<?php define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0))); ?>
I'm not getting the magical speed solution from pasting in that line of php code like everyone else. In fact, I get this:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/config/site.php:11) in /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/updates/concrete5.4.0.5/concrete/startup/session.php on line 18
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/config/site.php:11) in /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/updates/concrete5.4.0.5/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 758
Then when I remove the line of code, the warnings stay. I had to delete may database and reload the uncorrupted database from my local host to erase the warnings. Can someone tell me what I may be doing wrong? I think Jizzle is right, I may just have to move over to the concrete5 host. I'm lucky my client is being patient with me. Here is the site if anyone wants to wonder at the 30 -75 second page load speeds:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/config/site.php:11) in /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/updates/concrete5.4.0.5/concrete/startup/session.php on line 18
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/config/site.php:11) in /home/vg008web06/23/90/2909023/web/updates/concrete5.4.0.5/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 758
Then when I remove the line of code, the warnings stay. I had to delete may database and reload the uncorrupted database from my local host to erase the warnings. Can someone tell me what I may be doing wrong? I think Jizzle is right, I may just have to move over to the concrete5 host. I'm lucky my client is being patient with me. Here is the site if anyone wants to wonder at the 30 -75 second page load speeds:
It's not the line of code. It's the the fact that you've probably pasted in an extra line break after the closing ?> in your config/site.php. Try removing the ?> entirely (you don't need it and it'll get rid of this error.)
Thank you Andrew, I did not know line breaks even mattered in php!? I'm a novice at writing php. So, would this be the right configuration for the last line? (before this, on the lines above, is my private config info):
?><?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.4.0.5');?><?php define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0)));
?><?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.4.0.5');?><?php define('CACHE_FRONTEND_OPTIONS', serialize(array('automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0)));
Thanks again Andrew. The errors went away when I pasted the code as shown above and as you instructed (again, I didn't know page breaks mattered?), but the pages don't load any faster - 40 sec. page load time. Unless I pasted this incorrectly again? I think this is a server issue at Hostway (even though they blamed the cms in their trouble ticket response). Time to move over to C5 server I guess? I think Tony above got it right. Thoughts?