c5 Error Suddenly
I installed c5 and it was working fine perfectly until today. Just now i got this error message saying " Unable to connect to database.
A database error occurred while processing this request." Can anyone help me figure out how to correct this error?
A database error occurred while processing this request." Can anyone help me figure out how to correct this error?

Exactly what it says, did you change the db name? the username? the pass? did you disable the mysql php extention?
no i did nothing of that sort. i just refreshed my control panel of c5 and it said like that. and i am not able to load the homepage.
that means concrete5 can't access your database at all.
Perhaps mySQL died?
Perhaps passwords on mysql database changed...
You should contact your web host, the problem is something that used to connect to mysql no longer can.
Perhaps mySQL died?
Perhaps passwords on mysql database changed...
You should contact your web host, the problem is something that used to connect to mysql no longer can.